Nuestra Gente

Mr. Liang Zhang

At present Mr. Liang Zhang is the CEO of Panama Colon Container Port, Inc., the General Manager of International Investment Department as well as Latin American Regional Headquarter of Shanghai Gorgeous Investment Development Co.,Ltd., the General Manager of International Investment Department of Anxin Trust Co.,Ltd (it is a Chinese listed company with the stock code as 600816), the Director of HK Hongde Real Estate Co., Ltd (, HK Hongde Real Estate Co., Ltd.,the investment amount is CNY 6 billion)) , the Director of Beijing Yinke Real Estate Development Company and Board Observer of PT Foundation in the United States(with CNY 2 bilion investment).

Mr. Jorge Serrano

At present Mr. Jorge Serrano Evers is the Managing Director of Panama Colon Container Port, Inc.
Business Administrador, Bachelor from Javeriana University in Bogota, Colombia. Specialized in International Relationships and Business. Former Viceconsul in Miami and Assistant for the Colombian Ambassador to United States Government, working directly with US congress International Relations Committee, also worked as Director of Colombian Port Security Program for Colombian terminals together with American, French, British and German law enforcement agencies.

Mr. Jorge Cumberbatch, Chief Operation Officer

Has over 14 years of experience in the Maritime Port Industry, working in several of the main Latin American container ports with throughputs over 6M annual

Jorge Cumberbatch, who obtained a Master degree in Business Port Administration from the University of Deusto in Spain, joined in Panama Colon Container Port, Inc. as Chief Operation Officer in 2018, project with an investment of USD 1.1 Billion, and will be in charge of the development and manage the terminal operations, focused in our corporate targets, professional growth of our staff and bring the best service option to our customers.


PCCP, un proyecto integrado que combina en un mismo espacio: Terminal Portuaria, Zona Franca y un Parque Logístico.